

- One right choice.

Tamara is searching for her missing son in a small town consumed by riots and violence. In a desperate attempt to get him back, she decides to offer a reward to an amoral former investigator whose methods prove to be sadistic. Determined, Tamara decides to complete the mission with the nihilistic detective, no matter what the cost.

Release Date : 2024-08-15

Language :KazakhRussian

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Golden Man MediaKazakh CinemaMinistry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of KazakhstanShort Brothers

Production Country : Kazakhstan

Alternative Titles :


Berik Aytzhanov

Character Name :

Original Name : Berik Aytzhanov

Gender : Male

Anna Starchenko

Character Name :

Original Name : Anna Starchenko

Gender : Female

Azamat Nigmanov

Character Name :

Original Name : Азамат Нигманов

Gender : Male

Kuantay Abdimadi

Character Name :

Original Name : Kuantay Abdimadi

Gender : Male



Chris Sawin



It’s war, revenge, _Steppenwolf_ is torturing your enemy until they can’t see straight, mocking their painful cries, and making them bleed until you’re satisfied. This film burns itself into your brain with its mesmerizing portrayal of brutality. **Full review:** https://bit.ly/stepwolf