Do You Love Me?
Kira is living her life with the teenage confidence that the world revolves around her. Born and raised in the late Soviet Ukraine, she sees her life predictable and clear. But it doesn't last long. Suddenly, she discovers that her father has a mistress, and her mother knows about it but prefers to remain silent. As Kira's family begins to fall apart —and so does the Soviet State— everything she knew turns out to be an illusion. Kira is searching for love, warmth, and hope for the future, going down a dark path she could not foresee.
Release Date : 2024-05-30
Language :Ukrainian
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : Family ProductionCommon Ground PicturesFilm i Väst
Production Country : SwedenUkraine
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Kira
Original Name : Карина Химчук
Gender : Female
Character Name : Lev
Original Name : Максим Михайліченко
Gender : Male
Character Name : Vira
Original Name : Наталія Лазебникова
Gender : Female
Character Name : Misha
Original Name : Олександр Жила
Gender : Male
Character Name : Liza
Original Name : Daria Palahniuk
Gender : Female
Character Name : Voronin
Original Name : Andrii Shabanov
Gender : Male
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