
Silence of Sirens


A police officer steals some money from an international judge of a special court in Kosovo. The money was a bribe for the judge. Now the officer faces a dilemma – whether to keep the money and deny everything or figure out a way to return the money for his own family’s safety.

Release Date : 2023-10-21

Language :Albanian

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Ikonë StudioSkopje Film StudioAlbaSky FilmRTSAlva Film

Production Country : AlbaniaKosovoMacedoniaSwitzerland

Alternative Titles :


Rina Krasniqi

Character Name :

Original Name : Rina Krasniqi

Gender : Female

Amernis Nokshiqi

Character Name :

Original Name : Amernis Nokshiqi

Gender : Male

Martin Ostermeier

Character Name : Alex

Original Name : Martin Ostermeier

Gender : Male

Sunaj Raça

Character Name :

Original Name : Sunaj Raça

Gender : Male

Allmir Suhodolli

Character Name :

Original Name : Allmir Suhodolli

Gender : Male


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