


Very different but united by an identical hostile attitude towards society, Romeo and Callisto live along the banks of the Tiber, resorting every day to expedients to survive and often putting themselves in conflict with those they cross paths with. When Romeo falls ill, however, Callisto decides to take care of her friend, laying down her weapons towards the world and letting only the deep affection that binds them speak.

Release Date : 2023-06-15

Language :Italian

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : 11 Marzo FilmRAI CinemaMiCRegione Lazio

Production Country : Italy

Alternative Titles :


Gabriele Silli

Character Name : Romeo

Original Name : Gabriele Silli

Gender : Male

Romano Talevi

Character Name : Callisto

Original Name : Romano Talevi

Gender : Male

Asia Zanzuri

Character Name : Ragazza lesbica

Original Name : Asia Zanzuri

Gender : Male


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