What Father… Is My Family?
Fello and Marisa had been drifting apart under the weight of children, money troubles, and the strain of daily modern life in Mexico City. When they win a weekend in a luxurious resort, and the chance to compete for the money that would solve their troubles, the entire family must come together to win the prize. In the process, Fello and Maritza will learn that marriage and family is still worth fighting for.
Release Date : 2022-11-04
Language :Spanish
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company :
Production Country : Mexico
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Fello
Original Name : Carlos Ponce
Gender : Male
Character Name : Marisa
Original Name : Marlene Favela
Gender : Female
Character Name : Fello
Original Name : Eduardo Yáñez
Gender : Male
Character Name : Hijo
Original Name : Omar Elizondo
Gender : Male
Character Name : Coordinadora
Original Name : Verónica Montes
Gender : Female
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