The Editorial Office
In the wild steppes of southern Ukraine, a young nature researcher named Yura is looking for an endangered species of groundhog but instead witnesses a crime. Eager to expose the truth, Yura takes his photo evidence to the local newspaper's editorial office. However, he quickly realizes that nobody there cares about pursuing justice. While a big war is looming over the horizon, Yura's naive worldview is splintering in a storm of fake news, rigged political elections, and mysterious cult rituals. On his quest, the hero is about to find out who he really is-an endangered species of a good man or just a loser?
Release Date : 2024-11-28
Language :Ukrainian
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : Moon ManElemag Pictures
Production Country : Czech RepublicGermanySlovakiaUkraine
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Yura
Original Name : Дмитро Багненко
Gender : Male
Character Name : Lera
Original Name : Жанна Озірна
Gender : Female
Character Name : Mother
Original Name : Римма Зюбіна
Gender : Female
Character Name : Ruslan
Original Name : Андрій Кирильчук
Gender : Male
Character Name : Mykhailo
Original Name : Олександр Шмаль
Gender : Male
Character Name : Beekeeper
Original Name : Василь Кухарський
Gender : Male
Character Name : Editor-in-chief of Pectoral
Original Name : Максим Курочкін
Gender : Male
Character Name : Editor-in-chief of The Truth of the Steppe
Original Name : Олександр Ганноченко
Gender : Male
Character Name : Leading journalist
Original Name : Сергій Іванов
Gender : Male
Character Name : Anton
Original Name : Сергій Степанський
Gender : Male
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