
Wake Up, Mate, Don't You Sleep

- A múlthoz nem visszanyúlni kell, a múltat le kell nyúlni.

This time, Kapa and Pepe are first of all prisoners of war – and convicts taken to forced labor service, Jews, Hungarian soldiers, German soldiers. Once they are to be executed, then again they are to perform executions. The film tells in spectacular episodes about the fact that in the past more than one century and a half we kept marching from war to war; occupation and liberation turned out to be indifferent, and why couldn’t the Jews execute the SS-guys? Our heroes hover about dilapidated barracks, then again on the bridges of the capital they guess whose satellites or eternal friends for all times we might be just now. In the cupboard, among the preserved fruit bottles, Stalin is still hiding. The authors of the film are cited before court, then in a showcase hospital they are waiting for the end to come. A Soviet soldier-maid closes the film with a Péter Nádas-quote.

Release Date : 2003-02-06

Language :GermanHungarianRussian

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Budapest Film Kft.Neurópa Film Kft

Production Country : Hungary

Alternative Titles :


Zoltán Mucsi

Character Name : Kapa

Original Name : Zoltán Mucsi

Gender : Male

Péter Scherer

Character Name : Pepe

Original Name : Péter Scherer

Gender : Male

Ildikó Tóth

Character Name : Russian Girl

Original Name : Ildikó Tóth

Gender : Female

Miklós Jancsó

Character Name : Miklós Jancsó

Original Name : Miklós Jancsó

Gender : Male

Gyula Hernádi

Character Name : Gyula Hernádi

Original Name : Gyula Hernádi

Gender : Male

Judit Schell

Character Name : German Officer

Original Name : Judit Schell

Gender : Female

István Márton

Character Name : Pista

Original Name : István Márton

Gender : Male

Balázs Galkó

Character Name : Galkó

Original Name : Balázs Galkó

Gender : Male

Béla Fesztbaum

Character Name : Béla

Original Name : Béla Fesztbaum

Gender : Male

Emese Vasvári

Character Name : Emese

Original Name : Emese Vasvári

Gender : Male

Székely B. Miklós

Character Name : Old Hungarian Soldier

Original Name : Székely B. Miklós

Gender : Male

András Hajós

Character Name : Talent Scout

Original Name : András Hajós

Gender : Male

András Lovasi

Character Name : Himself

Original Name : András Lovasi

Gender : Male


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