CrimeTV Movie

Rendez-vous avec le crime


When Samson Brion, an undercover cop, arrives in his native village in the depths of Brittany, fifteen years after having abruptly left it, most of the inhabitants see this return in a very bad light. Notably Lila Sept-Vents, an impetuous native entrepreneur, who is trying to save her online dating agency from bankruptcy. When a series of suspicious deaths strikes this quiet village, and Lila discovers that all the victims were clients of her agency, having a cop under her roof could prove invaluable.

Release Date : 2022-12-20

Language :French

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Septembre Productions

Production Country : France

Alternative Titles :


Arié Elmaleh

Character Name : Samson

Original Name : Arié Elmaleh

Gender : Male

Sophie de Fürst

Character Name : Lila

Original Name : Sophie de Fürst

Gender : Female

Gaëlle Bona

Character Name : Sidonie

Original Name : Gaëlle Bona

Gender : Female

Marius Colucci

Character Name : Alban

Original Name : Marius Colucci

Gender : Male

Baya Rehaz

Character Name : Manon

Original Name : Baya Rehaz

Gender : Female

Michel Jonasz

Character Name : Joseph

Original Name : Michel Jonasz

Gender : Male


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