

- Some things you can't run away from

An older sister takes her fearless runaway sibling on a road trip, to share the most chilling tales surrounding their hometown.

Release Date : 2024-06-29

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Rainbow Swan, LLC

Production Country : United States of America

Alternative Titles :


Jaidyn Triplett

Character Name : Venus Price

Original Name : Jaidyn Triplett

Gender : Female

Samantha Russell

Character Name : Jazmin Price

Original Name : Samantha Russell

Gender : Female

Zoey Luna

Character Name : Julian Cashel

Original Name : Zoey Luna

Gender : Female

Naomi Grossman

Character Name : Annalisa Drouais

Original Name : Naomi Grossman

Gender : Female

Samantha Robinson

Character Name : Christina

Original Name : Samantha Robinson

Gender : Female

Nancy Kyes

Character Name : Josephine Cashel

Original Name : Nancy Kyes

Gender : Female

James DeForest Parker

Character Name : William Cashel

Original Name : James DeForest Parker

Gender : Male

Abigail Esmena Froehle

Character Name : Jade

Original Name : Abigail Esmena Froehle

Gender : Female

Lindsey McDowell

Character Name : Madeline Ishii

Original Name : Lindsey McDowell

Gender : Female

Annie Fitzpatrick

Character Name : Francine Boxell

Original Name : Annie Fitzpatrick

Gender : Female

Gil Zabarsky

Character Name : Jacob

Original Name : Gil Zabarsky

Gender : Male

Kurt Oberhaus

Character Name : Shane

Original Name : Kurt Oberhaus

Gender : Male

David Dietz

Character Name : Rusty

Original Name : David Dietz

Gender : Male

Rosemary Ace Rosas

Character Name : Julian Cashel

Original Name : Rosemary Ace Rosas

Gender : Female

Ryan Satre

Character Name : Ryan

Original Name : Ryan Satre

Gender : Male

Aaron Turnbull

Character Name : Owen

Original Name : Aaron Turnbull

Gender : Male

Jacinda Forbes

Character Name : Mabel Bishop

Original Name : Jacinda Forbes

Gender : Male

Kim Lea Mays

Character Name : May Felner

Original Name : Kim Lea Mays

Gender : Male

Aubree Bowen

Character Name : Iris

Original Name : Aubree Bowen

Gender : Male

Gavin Herscher

Character Name : The Woodsman

Original Name : Gavin Herscher

Gender : Male

Noah Bunch

Character Name : Evan

Original Name : Noah Bunch

Gender : Male

Stephonika W. Kaye

Character Name : Alex

Original Name : Stephonika W. Kaye

Gender : Male

Jeremy Dubin

Character Name : Clint

Original Name : Jeremy Dubin

Gender : Male






Hauntology is somewhat difficult to categorize, this anthology less of a pure horror film and more a collection of spooky stories that explore the things that haunt us. Definitely more "Let's Scare Jessica to Death" or "Carnival of Souls", than it is "Terrifier" or "Nightmare on Elm Street". Writer-Director Parker Brennon directs all segments, creating a film that pays homage to several classic sub-genres, making Hauntology a tapestry of horror, supernatural scifi, Giallo slasher, monster movie, and psychological tension across it's stories. The thread binding Hauntology's narrative fabric together is the isolation, fear, and "otherness" experienced in queer, BIPOC, and feminine perspectives, subtly explored by Brennon and an ensemble cast that is particularly impressive for this small independent film. Those haunting elements of the film are further invoked by the film's intentional pace and atmospheric photography, perfectly matched by a score that manages to somehow sound both foreboding and eerily cheerful. There are also a lot of cool easter eggs throughout that probably make rewatches worth while.