König Drosselbart
A king has a daughter, Princess Isabella of Geranium, who is so beautiful that kings and princes come from miles around in hopes of winning her hand in marriage. But although she is beautiful, she is also proud and arrogant, and constantly insults and rejects her suitors. She even rejects noble Prince Richard of Begonia, and mocks him as "King Thrushbeard," even though she secretly likes him. Finally, her father loses patience with his rude daughter and declares that since she has rejected every man who has come to court her, she will be married to the first beggar who comes to the gate.
Release Date : 2008-12-25
Language :German
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company :
Production Country : Germany
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Prinzessin Isabella von Geranien
Original Name : Jasmin Schwiers
Gender : Female
Character Name : Prinz Richard von Begonien / König Drosselbart
Original Name : Ken Duken
Gender : Male
Character Name : Maximiliane
Original Name : Felicitas Woll
Gender : Female
Character Name : König August
Original Name : Hubert Mulzer
Gender : Male
Character Name : König Ottokar
Original Name : Arthur Brauss
Gender : Male
Character Name : Zofe
Original Name : Marisa Leonie Bach
Gender : Female
Character Name : Zofe
Original Name : Mareike Lindenmeyer
Gender : Female
Character Name : Zofe
Original Name : Christina Wiederhold
Gender : Female
Character Name : Husar
Original Name : Timo Jacobs
Gender : Male
Character Name : Husar
Original Name : Manuel Cortez
Gender : Male
Character Name : Metzger
Original Name : Arved Birnbaum
Gender : Male
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