

- Max by day, Sebastian by night.

Max is a 25-year-old freelance writer and aspiring novelist who seems well on his way to success in London’s cultural spheres. Yet by night, he finds a different kind of exhilaration as a sex worker with the pseudonym Sebastian, meeting men via an escorting platform. Max uses his experiences as Sebastian to fuel his stories and the worthy debut novel that he has been longing to write, finally seems within reach.

Release Date : 2024-08-02

Language :EnglishFrench

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Helsinki-filmiBarry CrerarLemming FilmBêtes Sauvages

Production Country : United KingdomBelgiumFinland

Alternative Titles :


Ruaridh Mollica

Character Name : Max

Original Name : Ruaridh Mollica

Gender : Male

Hiftu Quasem

Character Name : Amna

Original Name : Hiftu Quasem

Gender : Male

Jonathan Hyde

Character Name : Nicholas

Original Name : Jonathan Hyde

Gender : Male

Ingvar E. Sigurðsson

Character Name : Daniel

Original Name : Ingvar E. Sigurðsson

Gender : Male

Dylan Brady

Character Name : Joel

Original Name : Dylan Brady

Gender : Male

Pedro Minas

Character Name : Oliver

Original Name : Pedro Minas

Gender : Male

Matthias Moret

Character Name : Jacopo

Original Name : Matthias Moret

Gender : Male

Akbar Kurtha

Character Name : Samir

Original Name : Akbar Kurtha

Gender : Male

Laurent Maria

Character Name : Carlo

Original Name : Laurent Maria

Gender : Male

Lara Rossi

Character Name : Claudia

Original Name : Lara Rossi

Gender : Female

David Nellist

Character Name : Peter

Original Name : David Nellist

Gender : Male

Leanne Best

Character Name : Dionne

Original Name : Leanne Best

Gender : Female

Stella Gonet

Character Name : Anne

Original Name : Stella Gonet

Gender : Female

Fleur Keith

Character Name : Joan

Original Name : Fleur Keith

Gender : Male

Marcus Macleod

Character Name : Stuart

Original Name : Marcus Macleod

Gender : Male

Michael Jean-Marain

Character Name : James

Original Name : Michael Jean-Marain

Gender : Male

Jamie Melrose

Character Name : Rebecca

Original Name : Jamie Melrose

Gender : Female

Orlando Norman

Character Name : Theo

Original Name : Orlando Norman

Gender : Male

Selina Boyack

Character Name : Gloria

Original Name : Selina Boyack

Gender : Female

Apphia Campbell

Character Name : Helen

Original Name : Apphia Campbell

Gender : Female

James Tarpey

Character Name : Ben

Original Name : James Tarpey

Gender : Male

Julian Firth

Character Name : Ian

Original Name : Julian Firth

Gender : Male

Lizzie Francke

Character Name : Alina Casaro

Original Name : Lizzie Francke

Gender : Female

Adwoa Akoto

Character Name : Joy

Original Name : Adwoa Akoto

Gender : Male

Musa Lutfi

Character Name : Wesley

Original Name : Musa Lutfi

Gender : Male

Tom Viaene

Character Name : Alain

Original Name : Tom Viaene

Gender : Male

Ethan Moorhouse

Character Name : Communications Officer

Original Name : Ethan Moorhouse

Gender : Male

Deanna Myers

Character Name : Presenter

Original Name : Deanna Myers

Gender : Female



Brent Marchant



Authors striving for authenticity in their work often engage in extensive background research, sometimes of a firsthand nature, to get things right. However, when it comes to writer-director Mikko Mäkelä’s second (and inexplicably much-applauded) feature, I have some serious reservations about its applicability here. This tale of a talented young London-based author of award-winning short stories and magazine pieces is embarking on his first novel, an inside exposé of the lives of gay male sex workers. To find out what these experiences are like, the ambitious emerging wordsmith, Max Williamson (Ruaridh Mollica), decides to investigate the subject by becoming an escort, arranging hook-ups through an internet website under the pseudonym “Sebastian.” But, the more involved he becomes in his research, the more he becomes consumed by it, unsure how to keep control over it. Strangely, though, there are also times when he’s apparently ambivalent about it, going to great lengths to keep both his hustling work – and even his sexuality – a secret. Is he trying to keep from being discovered by his clients and writing peers, or is he a closet case who, quite ironically, hasn’t fully come to accept himself (not even coming out to his own family)? In any event, he engages in a string of diverse encounters that leave him – and viewers – wondering about exactly where he’s going with all this, including a somewhat baffling, unexpected budding romance with an older gentleman (Jonathan Hyde). This plethora of mixed motivations is where the film gets itself into trouble, hopelessly meandering in multiple, seemingly contradictory directions, raising questions about what the filmmaker/screen writer actually had in mind, as well as how diligent he was in doing his homework in crafting the story. “Sebastian” thus often comes across like a series of sexual escapades with a poorly conceived story wrapped about them, many of which end up falling back on well-worn, outdated gay cautionary tale tropes. The film also incorporates some implausible developments involving the publishing business, stretching the picture’s credibility even further. In light of this, then, it’s hard to fathom how and why this offering has received as many accolades as it has, especially as a potential candidate for awards season recognition. In my view, this release needs major retooling, not only to provide a more focused narrative, but also to strengthen its character development to something more believable and something that generates a more viable audience connection. To be sure, there are many fine LGBTQ+ movies out there these days that are genuinely worthy of praise and recognition – but this overrated production certainly isn’t one of them.