Children of the Dark
A Middle-aged Japanese ex-pat journalist investigates child organ trafficking in Thailand and he uncovers a sinister network. In the darkest corners of Thailand, child prostitution and organ sales flourish. In order to save a child's life, another life must be taken. An outraged Japanese journalist and a passionate young Japanese NGO member attempt to save "children of the dark" from being consumed by arrogance and greed. However, the harsh realities of life intervene... Adapting Yan Sogil's book, which unflinchingly portrays the tragic realities unfolding today, filmmaker Junji Sakamoto directs a talented multinational cast to bring these stark events to life.
Release Date : 2008-08-02
Language :EnglishJapaneseThai
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company :
Production Country : Japan
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Keiko Otowa
Original Name : 宮﨑あおい
Gender : Female
Character Name : Hiroyuki Nanbu
Original Name : 江口洋介
Gender : Male
Character Name : Hiroaki Yoshida
Original Name : 妻夫木聡
Gender : Male
Character Name : Katsuhito Kazikawa
Original Name : 佐藤浩市
Gender : Male
Character Name : Tetsuo Shimizu
Original Name : 豊原功補
Gender : Male
Character Name : Mineko Kazikawa
Original Name : 鈴木砂羽
Gender : Female
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