
Touch from Above


Based on true events, is the first christian movie filmed in Costa Rica. Katherine, a young girl was abused in childhood, her life was perturbate since that particular event, even today she remember that moment and afford a new reality. In the other side, Alfonso and Rosario have a dificult marriage. They meet for first time their son's girlfriend, but inmediately Alfonso starts a secret relationship with that girl. On the worst moment, Jesus Christ come on and save their life showing them a new hope, love and forgiveness.

Release Date :

Language :Spanish

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Producciones JRB

Production Country : Costa Rica

Alternative Titles :


Hanzell Carballo

Character Name : Katherine

Original Name : Hanzell Carballo

Gender : Female

Rosibel Carvajal

Character Name : Rosario

Original Name : Rosibel Carvajal

Gender : Female


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