Cake Bomb
Two different, fashionable women are having lunch in a London restaurant. They seem to be doing this on a regular. They start talking about trainees and why women are more adept at doing their "profession" than men. This women versus men dialogue becomes our key dialogue for the short. The two women turn out to be part of a "spy" organization. While the two talk, a dashing male agent comes in the restaurant. He takes a seat by the bar. The two women explain who he is, a smug member of their opposition all-male program. Young trainees start the process of building a bomb that is being put in a birthday cake. Later, the waitress brings the birthday cake to the man with a candle on it. What happens next? Something sinister or is it just a training lesson?
Release Date : 2023-02-07
Language :EnglishNorwegian
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : Play Productions
Production Country : United Kingdom
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : March
Original Name : Renate Reinsve
Gender : Female
Character Name : September
Original Name : Alicia Agneson
Gender : Female
Character Name : Monday
Original Name : Sandy Oghenovo
Gender : Female
Character Name : August
Original Name : Andrew Koji
Gender : Male
Character Name : Bartender
Original Name : Katya Boirand
Gender : Female
Character Name : Wednesday
Original Name : Yvonne May
Gender : Male
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