Who Were We?
On Sado Island, Kii works as a cleaner at a gold mine. One day, she finds a collapsed woman in the facility and takes the woman to her home. The woman doesn't remember her past or even her name. The woman is named Midori by the two other girls living with Kii. Kii gets permission from the director for Midori to work as a cleaner at the mine. One day, Midori is attracted by the presence of cats and this leads her to meet Ao, who works as a night guard at the gold mine. Ao tells her that he also doesn't remember his past. Midori and Ao get attracted to each other and spend time together. One day, Midori meets Murasaki who seems to have a close relationship with Ao. This disturbs Midori.
Release Date : 2024-05-31
Language :Japanese
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : テツヤトミナフィルム
Production Country : Japan
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Midori
Original Name : 小松菜奈
Gender : Female
Character Name : Ao
Original Name : 松田龍平
Gender : Male
Character Name : Kii
Original Name : 大竹しのぶ
Gender : Female
Character Name :
Original Name : 六代目 片岡愛之助
Gender : Male
Character Name : Mukoda Toru
Original Name : Sennosuke.K
Gender : Male
Character Name : Murasaki
Original Name : 石橋静河
Gender : Female
Character Name : [Facility director]
Original Name : 田中泯
Gender : Male
Character Name : [Toru's mother]
Original Name : 内田也哉子
Gender : Female
Character Name :
Original Name : 森山開次
Gender : Male
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