Kanae's husband disappeared without a trace while on a union trip. Though usually headstrong and independent, the woman becomes plagued with worry over what happened to him, and is unable to move on with her life. Thus, Kanae decides to hire a private investigator, and keeps running the public bathhouse to the best of her abilities. As he tries to figure out the truth about her husband, Kanae must deal with the stress from a work-intensive job, meddlesome neighbors, and recurring nightmares in which she is drowning.
Release Date : 2023-10-06
Language :Japanese
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : JOKER FILMSKodanshaKADOKAWAL'espace Vision
Production Country : Japan
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Kanae Sekiguchi
Original Name : 真木よう子
Gender : Female
Character Name : Takayuki Hori
Original Name : 井浦新
Gender : Male
Character Name : Yoko Kanno
Original Name : 江口のりこ
Gender : Female
Character Name : Toshie Kijima
Original Name : 中村久美
Gender : Female
Character Name : Saburo Tajima
Original Name : 康すおん
Gender : Male
Character Name : Mina Fujikawa
Original Name : Rio Uchida
Gender : Female
Character Name : Sanae's mother
Original Name : 小野まりえ
Gender : Female
Character Name : Satoru Sekiguchi
Original Name : 永山瑛太
Gender : Male
Character Name : Michio Yamazaki
Original Name : 中川雅也
Gender : Male
Character Name :
Original Name : 諏訪太朗
Gender : Male
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