
White Panic


One day, when three guys and one girl wake up in the morning, they're all in a small room filled with the white powder, naked. Why were they gathered? What does this room mean? Who brought them here? How to escape from it?

Release Date : 2005-08-06

Language :Japanese

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Fresh Hearts

Production Country : Japan

Alternative Titles :


Shugo Oshinari

Character Name : Ken Goubara

Original Name : 忍成修吾

Gender : Male

Ayaka Maeda

Character Name : Yumi Umezawa

Original Name : 前田綾花

Gender : Female

Kazuo Yashiro

Character Name : Sayoon Kim

Original Name : Kazuo Yashiro

Gender : Male

Fumiaki Mitsuyama

Character Name : Boo Motokawa

Original Name : Fumiaki Mitsuyama

Gender : Male


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