

- inspired by the true story of the biggest underworld boss of the 90s

In the 1990s post-communist Slovakia, former woods worker Miki takes his chances to start doing business at a local level and climb up the ladder to become the biggest mafia boss in the country.

Release Date : 2024-08-15

Language :Slovak

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Regia Civitas Productions

Production Country : Slovakia

Alternative Titles :


Milan Ondrík

Character Name : Mikuláš Černák

Original Name : Milan Ondrík

Gender : Male

Dušan Cinkota

Character Name : Miloš Kaštan

Original Name : Dušan Cinkota

Gender : Male

Gregor Hološka

Character Name : Ján Kán

Original Name : Gregor Hološka

Gender : Male

Rebeka Poláková

Character Name : Mikiho manželka

Original Name : Rebeka Poláková

Gender : Female

Anna Javorková

Character Name : Mikiho mama

Original Name : Anna Javorková

Gender : Female

Michal Kubovčík

Character Name : Vladimír Černák

Original Name : Michal Kubovčík

Gender : Male

Martin Nahálka

Character Name : Martin Laboš

Original Name : Martin Nahálka

Gender : Male

Marek Fučík

Character Name :

Original Name : Marek Fučo Fučík

Gender : Male

Petra Vajdová

Character Name : Mikiho švagrová

Original Name : Petra Vajdová

Gender : Female

Soňa Norisová

Character Name : Vlčkova manželka

Original Name : Soňa Norisová

Gender : Female

Matěj Hádek

Character Name :

Original Name : Matěj Hádek

Gender : Male

Juraj Loj

Character Name :

Original Name : Juraj Loj

Gender : Male

Lukáš Latinák

Character Name : Miroslav Vlček

Original Name : Lukáš Latinák

Gender : Male

Vica Kerekes

Character Name :

Original Name : Vica Kerekes

Gender : Female






Miki's a Slovakian take on the gangster, organised crime, genre. It took ,me a while to warm to this film. Its initially slow pace and unfamiliar cultural vibe left it feeling somewhat uninteresting and inaccessible. That being said, if you give this film a chance, you get to see how universally familiar patterns of human behaviour, in this case, violent criminal behaviour, assert themselves. Miki, the main character, is a well rendered. He has a certain brutal depth to him, hes cruel, superficially charming in a rather basic way but also strangely honourable and loyal. Other characters, such as the violent, brother are also interesting, as is the obvious poverty and corruption in the unstable post Communist period of the early 1990's Slovakia.The period in which this film is set. You can see how financially struggling people like Miki, are ushered into the world of crime. The closing scene where Miki's mother finally see's him for who and what he is, is subtly done but compelling. Oh and let the credits roll as there are cut scenes that round out Miki's story. In summary, well acted, well written, with characters who feel real and relatable. Starts off slowly but gradually becomes a rather compelling watch.