
Since the Last Time We Met


Handsome and stylish Victor is reunited by chance with David, his first love, fifteen years after the last time they saw each other. This reunion revives the clandestine love they had when they were younger.

Release Date : 2023-04-21

Language :Spanish

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : De Atar ContenidosMatchbox Films

Production Country : Argentina

Alternative Titles :


Patricio Arellano

Character Name : Victor

Original Name : Patricio Arellano

Gender : Male

Esteban Recagno

Character Name : David

Original Name : Esteban Recagno

Gender : Male

Martín Stark

Character Name : Alan

Original Name : Martín Stark

Gender : Male

Josefina Langlois

Character Name : Beba

Original Name : Josefina Langlois

Gender : Male

Matías De Leis Correa

Character Name : Peto

Original Name : Matías De Leis Correa

Gender : Male



Brent Marchant



If you’re looking for a film about how not to conduct yourself in a gay male relationship, this is it. Writer-director Matías De Leis Correa’s second feature outing is a talky, jumbled mess about the dysfunctional reunion of two long-separated partners (Patricio Arellano, Esteban Recagno) who constantly paw at one another but can’t make up their minds about what they want for the future. In a story that pretentiously deals with the supposed power of love and unrestrained raw emotion, the film ends up being little more than an exercise in circular, often-contradictory discussions about relationships and responsibility as a precursor to soft-core gay male porn. The picture tries hard to pass itself off as a work of poetic, heartfelt romance but is in actuality little more than slickly produced justification for bad behavior. What’s more, the story grows ever more tedious as it unfolds, straining to evoke sympathy from audience members for the selfish expectations and doormat subservience of its two remarkably unlikable protagonists, plot devices that regularly and increasingly prompt sighs and reactions of “Oh, come on already!” While this release admittedly features some fine camera work of the Argentinean landscape, that’s about all it has going for it. This one is easily skipped.