Breath of the Dead Forest
The father of seventeen-year-old Alik is arrested for committing a series of brutal murders. The mother takes her son and moves with him to another city. Alik, trying to start a new life and does not suspect that he has become the object of research for Sonya, a graduate student at the Psychological Faculty of the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. While working on his PhD thesis "The influence of genes on the children of serial killers," Alik is a gift of fate for the ambitious, career-oriented Sonya.
Release Date : 2023-04-06
Language :Russian
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company :
Production Country : Russia
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Алик
Original Name : Пётр Натаров
Gender : Male
Character Name : Соня
Original Name : Анна Куклина
Gender : Female
Character Name : мать Алика
Original Name : Мария Валешная
Gender : Female
Character Name : Влада
Original Name : Vlada Anikievich
Gender : Female
Character Name : Фрол
Original Name : Симон Каява
Gender : Male
Character Name : Орлов
Original Name : Евгений Шириков
Gender : Male
Character Name : Светлана
Original Name : Виктория Бычкова
Gender : Female
Character Name : Рита
Original Name : Анастасия Матвеева
Gender : Female
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