
Saturday Island

- A South-Seas Shangri-La of romance and adventure beyond your wildest dreams!

When their hospital ship sinks in the South Pacific during WWII, military nurse Elizabeth Smythe and Marine Michael Dugan find themselves stranded — and soon enough, falling in love — on an idyllic tropical island. But when British pilot William Peck crash-lands on their cozy little atoll, Dugan suddenly discovers he has a rival in love.

Release Date : 1952-03-20

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Coronado Productions

Production Country : United Kingdom

Alternative Titles : Island of Desire


Linda Darnell

Character Name : Lieutenant Elizabeth Smythe

Original Name : Linda Darnell

Gender : Female

Tab Hunter

Character Name : Marine Corporal Michael J. Dugan

Original Name : Tab Hunter

Gender : Male

Donald Gray

Character Name : William Peck

Original Name : Donald Gray

Gender : Male

John Laurie

Character Name : Grimshaw

Original Name : John Laurie

Gender : Male

Sheila Chong

Character Name : Tukua

Original Name : Sheila Chong

Gender : Male

Russell Waters

Character Name : Dr. Snyder

Original Name : Russell Waters

Gender : Male

MacDonald Parke

Character Name : Ship's Captain

Original Name : MacDonald Parke

Gender : Male

Michael Newell

Character Name : Eddie

Original Name : Michael Newell

Gender : Male

Lloyd Lamble

Character Name : Officer of the Watch

Original Name : Lloyd Lamble

Gender : Male

Peter Butterworth

Character Name : Wounded Marine

Original Name : Peter Butterworth

Gender : Male

Harold Ayer

Character Name : Marine Sergeant

Original Name : Harold Ayer

Gender : Male

Diana Decker

Character Name : Mike

Original Name : Diana Decker

Gender : Female

Hilda Fenemore

Character Name : Ollie

Original Name : Hilda Fenemore

Gender : Female

Brenda Hogan

Character Name : Jane

Original Name : Brenda Hogan

Gender : Male

Peggy Hassard

Character Name : Maggie

Original Name : Peggy Hassard

Gender : Male

Joan Benham

Character Name : Nurse

Original Name : Joan Benham

Gender : Female

Katharine Blake

Character Name : Nurse

Original Name : Katharine Blake

Gender : Female






When their ship is sunk from under them during WWII, "Dr. Smythe" (Linda Darnell) is washed ashore with only the hunky "Dugan" (Tab Hunter) for company. Now clearly she must have clunked her head along the way for she appears completely impervious to his scantily clad, boyish, good looks and charms, and to the fact that he quickly manages to construct a civilisation for them that is just - with war raging all around them - idyllic. Anyway, she is particularly pig-headed until he rescues her from a shark (a sort of holographic affair that is quite clearly never anywhere near the water at the same time as Hunter) and things might just start to thaw. At this, stage, though - enter Donald Gray's sophisticated "Peck", whom they rescue from the burning wreckage of his plane and soon poor old "Dugan" has a rival. Now it has to be said, Hunter is not a good actor and there is precisely no chemistry at all as this thunderingly slow romance ebbs and flows, but he is very easy on the eye and this film is clearly only intended as a post-war feel good film that showcases beautiful people delivering a "Blue Lagoon" style story that is there to admire rather than to evaluate. The story is weak, the dialogue is twee and the ending - well that's just plain daft, in an heroic sort of fashion. Enjoy the eye-candy all round and you won't be disappointed. Look for anything more substantial and you're wasting your time!