
Unfinished Ground


Finally, the day has come for eighteen-year old Liana and her father Stancu to return to Romania, having lived and worked in Germany for several years. But Stancu hesitates, and Liana has to risk both her family's livelihood and her relationship with her father to make it home.

Release Date : 2022-09-09

Language :EnglishGermanRomanian

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country : Germany

Alternative Titles :


Mihaela Dorlan

Character Name : Liana

Original Name : Mihaela Dorlan

Gender : Male

Valeriu Andriuță

Character Name : Stancu

Original Name : Valeriu Andriuță

Gender : Male

Jan Pohl

Character Name : Christian

Original Name : Jan Pohl

Gender : Male


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