We're Broke, My Lord!
Koshiro Matsudaira lives in Tanjousan Bun in Echigo as a commoner and surrounded by people that love him, including his father Sakubei, who works for the Tanjousan Bun. One day, many officials working for Tanjousan Bun come to Koshiro's house and Sakubei tells his son the shocking truth about his birth. Koshiro learns that he is the son of Daimyo Ikkosai of the Tanjousan Bun. Even more shocking to Koshiro, is that Daimyo Ikkosai has suddenly handed over his feudal lord position to Koshiro and has gone into retirement. Koshiro thinks that he has come across good fortune, but he soon learns that the Tanjousan Bun has a huge debt that needs to be payed off soon.
Release Date : 2023-06-23
Language :Japanese
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company :
Production Country : Japan
Alternative Titles : Daimyo-Tousan
Character Name : Koshiro Matsudaira
Original Name : 神木隆之介
Gender : Male
Character Name : Sayo
Original Name : 杉咲花
Gender : Female
Character Name : Shinjiro Matsudaira
Original Name : 松山ケンイチ
Gender : Male
Character Name :
Original Name : 小手伸也
Gender : Male
Character Name : Kisaburo Matsudaira
Original Name : 桜田通
Gender : Male
Character Name : Natsu
Original Name : 宮﨑あおい
Gender : Female
Character Name : Heihachiro Isogai
Original Name : 浅野忠信
Gender : Male
Character Name : Ikkosai
Original Name : 佐藤浩市
Gender : Male
Character Name : Shinzaemon Shirota
Original Name : カトウシンスケ
Gender : Male
Character Name : Sakubei Magaki
Original Name : 小日向文世
Gender : Male
Character Name : Nishina
Original Name : 石橋蓮司
Gender : Male
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