Of Women and Horses
This microcosm of power and money has no time for Gracieuse, whose only assets are her talent, her fiercely stubborn character, and, most particularly, her determination to succeed. A high tension wire who's ready to stand up to Franz Mann and to face any obstacle, even if it means stepping outside the law, she pursues her sole obsession: to have a horse to call her own that she will take to the top.
Release Date : 2012-01-25
Language :French
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : Le Pacte
Production Country : France
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Gracieuse
Original Name : Marina Hands
Gender : Female
Character Name : Franz Mann
Original Name : Bruno Ganz
Gender : Male
Character Name : Joséphine de Silène
Original Name : Josiane Balasko
Gender : Female
Character Name : Susan
Original Name : Lady Amanda Harlech
Gender : Male
Character Name : Alice
Original Name : Isabel Karajan
Gender : Female
Character Name : Père de Gracieuse
Original Name : Olivier Perrier
Gender : Male
Character Name : Jacky
Original Name : Lionel Dray
Gender : Male
Character Name : Mina
Original Name : Muftie Alpin
Gender : Male
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