

- Will Sarah Keep Her Promise?

SARAH is a short film centered around Ayla and her best friend Sarah as they discuss summer plans, specifically, Ayla's "sweet seventeen". All is well until Sarah doesn't pick up Ayla's messages anymore when they are supposed to hang out. As Ayla's birthday nears, the more upset she becomes with Sarah. When the day arrives, Ayla finds herself celebrating her birthday without Sarah and leads to her final straw, spending her seventeenth birthday alone.

Release Date : 2023-07-28

Language :

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : TKOTB Productions

Production Country :

Alternative Titles :


Ellie Rush

Character Name : Ayla

Original Name : Ellie Rush

Gender : Male

Lara Chavez

Character Name : Sarah

Original Name : Lara Chavez

Gender : Male

Rachel Rush

Character Name : Extra

Original Name : Rachel Rush

Gender : Male

Molly Rush

Character Name : Extra

Original Name : Molly Rush

Gender : Male

Olivia Piotroski

Character Name : Vocal Background

Original Name : Olivia Piotroski

Gender : Male


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