DramaTV Movie

The Oppenheimer Case


During World War II, the American physicist Robert Oppenheimer was at the head of the research work for the production of the atomic bomb. He was removed from that position in 1953 due to disagreements with the US Atomic Commission regarding the development of the hydrogen bomb. The investigation that was conducted against him during the infamous time of anti-communist hysteria and the "witch hunt" during the time of Senator McCarthy is testimony to the great moral and psychological dilemma in which the scientists of that era found themselves.

Release Date : 1970-02-02

Language :Serbo-Croatian

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Radiotelevizija Beograd

Production Country : Yugoslavia

Alternative Titles :


Branko Pleša

Character Name : Robert Oppenheimer

Original Name : Branko Pleša

Gender : Male

Svetolik Nikačević

Character Name : Gordon Gray

Original Name : Svetolik Nikačević

Gender : Male

Predrag Tasovac

Character Name : Lord Evans

Original Name : Predrag Tasovac

Gender : Male

Janez Vrhovec

Character Name : Thomas Morgan

Original Name : Janez Vrhovec

Gender : Male

Petar Banićević

Character Name : Roger Bow

Original Name : Petar Banićević

Gender : Male

Dušan Bulajić

Character Name : K.E. Rolan

Original Name : Dušan Bulajić

Gender : Male

Đorđe Jelisić

Character Name : Herbert Marks

Original Name : Đorđe Jelisić

Gender : Male

Vladimir Popović

Character Name : Lord Harrison

Original Name : Vladimir Popović

Gender : Male

Stojan Dečermić

Character Name : Pukovnik Pes

Original Name : Stojan Dečermić

Gender : Male

Jovan Milićević

Character Name : Rossi Lomanitz

Original Name : Jovan Milićević

Gender : Male

Marko Todorović

Character Name : Edward Teller

Original Name : Marko Todorović

Gender : Male

Miloš Žutić

Character Name : Ajns Beki

Original Name : Miloš Žutić

Gender : Male

Braslav Borozan

Character Name : Ares Neglis

Original Name : Braslav Borozan

Gender : Male

Rade Marković

Character Name : Isaak Rabi

Original Name : Rade Marković

Gender : Male


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