
You Can Heal Your Life


In this film, you meet the woman who wakes up every day and proclaims her love for everyone and everything in her path, the woman who popularized “affirmations,” the woman who shakes hands with presidents, dignitaries, celebrities, and who always has an affectionate hug for fans who run up to her at a public appearance or Hay House event to thank her for “saving my life.” And when she embraces them, she’ll insist, “It wasn’t me. It was you.”

Release Date : 2007-12-01

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Lyceum FilmsMuse Media Center

Production Country : United States of America

Alternative Titles : You Can Heal Your Life: The MovieLouise Hay: You Can Heal Your Life


Louise Hay

Character Name : Self

Original Name : Louise Hay

Gender : Female

Wayne Dyer

Character Name : Self

Original Name : Wayne Dyer

Gender : Male

Esther Hicks

Character Name : Self

Original Name : Esther Hicks

Gender : Female

Gregg Braden

Character Name : Self

Original Name : Gregg Braden

Gender : Male

Christiane Northrup

Character Name : Self

Original Name : Christiane Northrup

Gender : Female

Elon Bomani

Character Name : Self

Original Name : Elon Bomani

Gender : Male

Mona Lisa Schulz

Character Name : Self

Original Name : Mona Lisa Schulz

Gender : Male

Gay Hendricks

Character Name : Self

Original Name : Gay Hendricks

Gender : Male

Cheryl Richardson

Character Name : Self

Original Name : Cheryl Richardson

Gender : Female

Suzanne Keilly

Character Name : Journey Woman

Original Name : Suzanne Keilly

Gender : Female


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