
Do Re Mi Fa So La Si Do


High school student Jung-Won (Cha Ye-Ryeon]) works at an amusement park, dressed up as Dragon cartoon character. Then one day, a guy, standing among his friends, twists her dragon mask around, causing her to fall flat on her back. Shortly afterwards, she spots the guy that caused her to fall down. Jung-won proceeds to pour a drink over his head. A few days later Jung-Won is horsing around with her brother on the top floor of their home. They notice that a new family moved in next door. Jung-Won then gets a sickening feeling when she realizes that the young guy in their family is the same guy that twisted her dragon mask around in the amusement park. His name is Eun-Kyu (Jang Keun-Suk), a popular high school student that fronts the band “Doremifasolasido.”

Release Date : 2008-04-03

Language :Korean

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : New Crayon EntertainmentYedang EntertainmentCinema Service

Production Country : South Korea

Alternative Titles :


Jang Keun-suk

Character Name : Sin Eun‑gyoo

Original Name : 장근석

Gender : Male

Cha Ye-ryun

Character Name : Yoon Jeong‑won

Original Name : 차예련

Gender : Female

Lim Ju-hwan

Character Name : Yoon Jae‑kwang

Original Name : 임주환

Gender : Male

Jung Eui-chul

Character Name : Kang Hee‑won

Original Name : 정의철

Gender : Male

Park Min-ji

Character Name : Sin Na‑ri

Original Name : 박민지

Gender : Female

Kim Hak-cheol

Character Name : Jeong-won's Mother

Original Name : 김학철

Gender : Male

Lee Hyo-choon

Character Name : Eun-gyoo's Mother

Original Name : 이효춘

Gender : Female

Song Yool-Kyu

Character Name : Deok-Pal

Original Name : Song Yool-Kyu

Gender : Male


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