
The Martian Chronicles


In an effort to conceal the embezzlement of large sums of money received from the presidential fund, the corrupt and mired in the most low-grade debauchery, the Governor of the City starts a grandiose scam called the "Martian Expedition". The vacancies of voluntary suicides are readily accepted by an artist, director, architect, choreographer and porn star. Meanwhile, the "shadow administration" of the City, consisting of the bosses of the largest gangster groups, is joining the division of the "financial cake"...

Release Date : 2000-02-29

Language :

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Sylvester Productions

Production Country : Russia

Alternative Titles :


Sergei Chernov

Character Name :

Original Name : Sergei Chernov

Gender : Male

Chaya Hakim

Character Name :

Original Name : Chaya Hakim

Gender : Male

Yuri Zelkin

Character Name :

Original Name : Yuri Zelkin

Gender : Male

Vladimir Tyminskiy

Character Name :

Original Name : Vladimir Tyminskiy

Gender : Male

Nikolay Palachev

Character Name :

Original Name : Николай Палачев

Gender : Male

Konstantin Seliverstov

Character Name :

Original Name : Константин Селиверстов

Gender : Male

Yevgeniy Volkov

Character Name :

Original Name : Евгений Волков

Gender : Male

Aleksandr Anisimov

Character Name :

Original Name : Александр Анисимов

Gender : Male

Evgeny Yufit

Character Name :

Original Name : Evgeny Yufit

Gender : Male

Maksim Bashkin

Character Name :

Original Name : Максим Башкин

Gender : Male

Vera Klyucheva

Character Name :

Original Name : Вера Ключева

Gender : Female


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