
The Monkey


June finds her first summer job: taking care of Constance, a sensitive little girl who suffers from a lack of affection. The child soon learns to trust her and June gets her hopes up thinking that maybe she can be her nanny for the whole year. But just as her bond with the child grows stronger, she discovers how harsh class differences can be and what rejection can feel like.

Release Date : 2023-09-27

Language :BasqueFrench

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Gastibeltza FilmakAl Borde Films

Production Country : France

Alternative Titles :


Ainara Leemans

Character Name : June

Original Name : Ainara Leemans

Gender : Male

Anaïs Villiot Chantelauze

Character Name : Constance

Original Name : Anaïs Villiot Chantelauze

Gender : Male

Sarah Chantelauze

Character Name : Elisabeth

Original Name : Sarah Chantelauze

Gender : Male

Maite Amestoy

Character Name : Grandmother

Original Name : Maite Amestoy

Gender : Male

Lea Campistron

Character Name : Maika

Original Name : Lea Campistron

Gender : Male


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