SINESTESIA chronicles the vicissitudes of four young adults in two moments of their lives which are in turn linked to two dramatic episodes three years apart. The intervening years see the characters confronted by the usual joys and difficulties of everyday life. However, they also find themselves having to react to a destiny which, every now and again, places a crossroads in our way. The main character is Alan (Alessio Boni). Around him are his wife, Françoise (Giorgia Wurth), his young lover Michela (Melanie Winiger), and Igor (Leonardo Nigro), his best friend.
Release Date : 2010-03-17
Language :Italian
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : Imago Film Lugano
Production Country : Switzerland
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Alan
Original Name : Alessio Boni
Gender : Male
Character Name : Françoise
Original Name : Giorgia Würth
Gender : Female
Character Name : Michela
Original Name : Melanie Winiger
Gender : Female
Character Name : Igor
Original Name : Leonardo Nigro
Gender : Male
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