


From Belgium, Jialai Wang maintains contact via smartphone and camera with her mother and grandmother in China. When her grandmother’s health deteriorates, Jialai returns to Shanghai, but when she arrives, her grandmother has already died, and she is left alone with her mother. A devout Buddhist, her mother seems to pay more attention to her daily prayers, Maoist past and dog Dongdong than she does to her daughter. She herself had been abandoned as a child by her own mother, when she divorced Jialai’s grandfather and moved to the city.

Release Date : 2023-11-11

Language :Mandarin

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : DérivesCBAGsara A.s.b.l.Centre du Cinéma et de l'Audiovisuel de la FWB

Production Country : Belgium

Alternative Titles :


Guihua Wang

Character Name : Self

Original Name : Guihua Wang

Gender : Male

Shufang Chen

Character Name : Self

Original Name : Shufang Chen

Gender : Male


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