Uninvited Guests
Viktor and Olga have long been living in a hateful marriage. They've finally paid off their mortgage and seem to enjoy life in their own apartment, but the neighbors on the side turn out to be too passionate for a new building with thin walls. One day, those same neighbors come to the couple with an offer to have sex together. Viktor and Olga refuse, then agree, refuse again - and the incident seems to be over, but a third couple has already arrived, constant "close friends" of the neighbors on the side.
Release Date : 2024-04-25
Language :Russian
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : K.B.A.
Production Country : Russia
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Victor
Original Name : Максим Лагашкин
Gender : Male
Character Name : Olga
Original Name : Екатерина Стулова
Gender : Female
Character Name : Dmitry
Original Name : Павел Прилучный
Gender : Male
Character Name : Lina
Original Name : Зепюр Прилучная-Брутян
Gender : Female
Character Name : Andrew
Original Name : Владимир Сычёв
Gender : Male
Character Name : Masha
Original Name : Янина Студилина
Gender : Female
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