

- Every murder lives on.

After the brutal murder of her twin sister, Darcy goes after those responsible by using haunted items as her tools for revenge.

Release Date : 2024-07-19

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Keeper PicturesNowhereShudder

Production Country : IrelandUnited States of America

Alternative Titles :


Carolyn Bracken

Character Name : Dani Timmis / Darcy Odello

Original Name : Carolyn Bracken

Gender : Female

Jonathan French

Character Name : Declan

Original Name : Jonathan French

Gender : Male

Steve Wall

Character Name : Ivan

Original Name : Steve Wall

Gender : Male

Joe Rooney

Character Name : Bernie

Original Name : Joe Rooney

Gender : Male

Gwilym Lee

Character Name : Ted Timmis

Original Name : Gwilym Lee

Gender : Male

Tadhg Murphy

Character Name : Olin Boole

Original Name : Tadhg Murphy

Gender : Male

Caroline Menton

Character Name : Yana

Original Name : Caroline Menton

Gender : Female

Ivan de Wergifosse

Character Name : Wooden Man

Original Name : Ivan de Wergifosse

Gender : Male

Shane Whisker

Character Name : Bellboy

Original Name : Shane Whisker

Gender : Male

Josuha Campbell

Character Name : Patient

Original Name : Josuha Campbell

Gender : Male

Austin Lawlor

Character Name : Patient

Original Name : Austin Lawlor

Gender : Male

Peter McCarthy

Character Name : Patient

Original Name : Peter McCarthy

Gender : Male

Fiach McHugh

Character Name : Patient

Original Name : Fiach McHugh

Gender : Male

Patrick Mullins

Character Name : Patient

Original Name : Patrick Mullins

Gender : Male

Jim O'Donnell

Character Name : Patient

Original Name : Jim O'Donnell

Gender : Male

Inma Pavon

Character Name : Nurse

Original Name : Inma Pavon

Gender : Male

Leticia Lopez Ramos

Character Name : Nurse

Original Name : Leticia Lopez Ramos

Gender : Female

Chris Mudrack

Character Name : Orderly

Original Name : Chris Mudrack

Gender : Male

Eileen McCarthy

Character Name : Cleaner

Original Name : Eileen McCarthy

Gender : Female

Pete McCarthy

Character Name : Olin Boole Double

Original Name : Pete McCarthy

Gender : Male

Robert Collender

Character Name : Ivan Double

Original Name : Robert Collender

Gender : Male

Evan Horan

Character Name : Weatherman

Original Name : Evan Horan

Gender : Male






I'm always on the lookout for good horror. Oddity is almost "perfect". This could easily be a 7 or 8. Instead it's a 6, or maybe a 5. The final act just didn't work for me. The big reveal is fine, but what happens after the big reveal makes little sense to me. There's also a bit before the big reveal - let's call it the small reveal - where the logic just falls flat too, but I was willing to ignore it at the time. Unfortunately, it was a sign of things to come. SPOILERS AHEAD! The more I think about it, the less sense it makes. Darcy learned the full conversation from Olin posthumously. How the heck did she not learn anything from Dani's personal effects? Furthermore, they really went ham on Ted's stubbornness for the climax. Ted now has at least six unexplainable events and he still goes playing with the thing?