Rolled Back Cassettes
“Rolled Back Cassettes" is a short experimental film that delves into the intricate world of a woman haunted by her lack of a genuine childhood memory. Seeking solace and closure, she embarks on a journey to confront her past, leading to a profound self-discovery. The film is divided into three distinct parts, each representing a significant aspect of the woman's emotional exploration. It is a visually captivating and introspective film that explores the complexities of memory, self-perception, and the power of acceptance. Through the woman's journey, viewers are invited to reflect on the influence of past experiences and the transformative potential of embracing one's true history.
Release Date : 2023-06-22
Language :Turkish
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company :
Production Country : Turkey
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Mother
Original Name : Nazrin Bahrami
Gender : Male
Character Name : Father
Original Name : İlker Dağlıoğlu
Gender : Male
Character Name : Daughter
Original Name : Eliz İşlek
Gender : Male
Character Name : Daughter
Original Name : Sude Özüstün
Gender : Male
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