
Mongol: The Rise of Genghis Khan

- Greatness comes to those who take it.

The story recounts the early life of Genghis Khan, a slave who went on to conquer half the world in the 11th century.

Release Date : 2007-09-20

Language :MandarinMongolian

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Andreevsky Flag Film CompanyKinofabrikaEurasia Film ProductionX Filme Creative PoolCTB Film Company

Production Country : GermanyKazakhstanRussia

Alternative Titles :


Tadanobu Asano

Character Name : Genghis Khan / Temüjin

Original Name : 浅野忠信

Gender : Male

Sun Honglei

Character Name : Jamukha

Original Name : Sun Honglei

Gender : Male

Khulan Chuluun

Character Name : Borte

Original Name : Khulan Chuluun

Gender : Female

Baasanjav Mijid

Character Name : Esugei

Original Name : Baasanjav Mijid

Gender : Male

Amadu Mamadakov

Character Name : Targutai

Original Name : Амаду Мамадаков

Gender : Male

He Qi

Character Name : Dai-Sechen

Original Name : He Qi

Gender : Male

Ben Hon Sun

Character Name : Monk

Original Name : Ben Hon Sun

Gender : Male

Ji Ri Mu Tu

Character Name : Boorchu

Original Name : Ji Ri Mu Tu

Gender : Male

You Er

Character Name : Sorgan-Shira

Original Name : You Er

Gender : Male

Huntun Batu

Character Name : Altan

Original Name : Huntun Batu

Gender : Male

Deng Ba Te Er

Character Name : Daritai

Original Name : Deng Ba Te Er

Gender : Male

Bao Di

Character Name : Todoen

Original Name : Bao Di

Gender : Male

Su Ya La Su Rong

Character Name : Girkhai

Original Name : Su Ya La Su Rong

Gender : Male

Sai Xing Ga

Character Name : Chiledu

Original Name : Sai Xing Ga

Gender : Male

Tegen Ao

Character Name : Charkhu

Original Name : Tegen Ao

Gender : Male

Zhang Jiong

Character Name : Tangut Garrison Chief

Original Name : Zhang Jiong

Gender : Male

Odnyam Odsuren

Character Name : Young Temudjin

Original Name : Odnyam Odsuren

Gender : Male

Bayertsetseg Erdenebat

Character Name : Young Börte

Original Name : Bayertsetseg Erdenebat

Gender : Male

Amarbold Tuvshinbayar

Character Name : Young Jamukha

Original Name : Amarbold Tuvshinbayar

Gender : Male

Ba Ti

Character Name : Juchi

Original Name : Ba Ti

Gender : Male

Li Jiaqi

Character Name : Mungun

Original Name : Li Jiaqi

Gender : Female

Bu Ren

Character Name : Taichar

Original Name : Bu Ren

Gender : Male

Ba Yin Qi Qi Ge

Character Name : Temulun

Original Name : Ba Yin Qi Qi Ge

Gender : Male

Ba De Rong Gui

Character Name : Young Taichar

Original Name : Ba De Rong Gui

Gender : Male

Ba Te

Character Name : Khasar

Original Name : Ba Te

Gender : Male


Character Name : Sochikhel

Original Name : Tunga

Gender : Male

Ai Liya

Character Name : Oelun

Original Name : Ai Liya

Gender : Female






_**The Origins of the Great Khan**_ As a boy, I had a bit of a fascination with Genghis Khan (meaning Great King) and even drew a picture of him titled, naturally, "Temujin," his actual name. I don't know what it was that attracted me; likely his cool-sounding title and world-conquering exploits. With the exception of Iron Maiden's great instrumental, "Genghis Khan," that ended my flirtation with this historical figure. That is, until I saw the Russian-made "Mongol: The Rise of Genghis Khan" (2007) yesterday. As the title suggests, the film explores Temujin's origins and what led to him becoming the great king of the Mongols and world-terrorizer. Despite being a foreign film with subtitles the movie successfully pulled me into its world and characters. The Mongols on the vast Asian steppes lived similar to American plains Indians. I've seen numerous photos of Mongols living on the steppes with their yurts, etc. over the years, but I could never relate to them as people. Just as, say, "Dances With Wolves" made American Natives come alive to the viewer so this film does with Mongols. "Mongol" eschews the American "blockbuster" syndrome and simply tells the story of Temujin from his early boyhood to his crowning as the great Khan. Although there's a steady amount of action throughout, there are a lot of quiet lulls with Temujin calmly waiting-out his various imprisonments and seeking Tengri, the god of the blue skies. Regardless, I found myself drawn into the characters and simple story. I liked the fact that a monk was able to "see" Temujin's greatness and future world-conquering potential even though he was only a lowly slave, which others understandably couldn't see. I also liked the low-key commentary on people choosing their leaders and forsaking the less worthy, and the resulting strife, as well as the focus on Temujin's many quiet times in the wilderness seeking the Divine for wisdom and power to walk in his greatness and fulfill his dream, not that I'm suggesting Genghis Khan was God-ordained, of course. The lead actors are all great, especially Honglei Sun as Jamukha, Temujin's "brother" and then greatest enemy in Mongolia. Despite all this, people who require constant eye-rolling action and explosions will likely find "Mongol" boring. Speaking of "constant eye-rolling action," this was the very thing that ruined the 2011 version of "Conan the Barbarian" with Jason Momoa, who was excellent in the role. That film needed more downtime, realism and depth, similar to the original 1982 version (not that that version didn't have its share of cartoony-ness), the filmmakers instead pushed for overkill action with minimal dramatic weight. The result? A mediocre Conan flick that looked great but was ultimately too shallow and goofy, in the "action-packed blockbuster" sense. Interestingly, "Mongol" reminded me of John Milius' version of "Conan" and of Robert E. Howard's Conan in general, albeit without the sorcery. I believe if the 2011 remake of "Conan" shot for the realism and seriousness of "Mongol," as REH himself portrayed the character and the Hyborian Age, it would have been a more worthy Conan film. It goes without saying, if you like REH and Conan you'll probably appreciate "Mongol." The soundtrack is simple but effective, often just an eerie-sounding violin/cello, reminiscent of parts of "Apocalypse Now" (1979). I found it interesting that when the credits hit a great epic metal riff kicked in for a few bars before morphing into the expected Eastern-styled credits soundtrack. It was a pleasant surprise. The film runs 2 hours, 6 minutes, and was shot on the remote and godly landscapes of Inner Mongolia, China, and Kazakhstan. GRADE: A-/B+