
Strike Commando 2

- Nobody could stop him!

A commando rescues his squad leader from heroin smugglers in Burma.

Release Date : 1988-08-17

Language :EnglishItalian

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Flora Film

Production Country : ItalyPhilippines

Alternative Titles :


Brent Huff

Character Name : Michael Ransom

Original Name : Brent Huff

Gender : Male

Mary Stavin

Character Name : Rosanna Boom

Original Name : Mary Stavin

Gender : Female

Richard Harris

Character Name : Major Vic Jenkins

Original Name : Richard Harris

Gender : Male

Ottaviano Dell'Acqua

Character Name :

Original Name : Ottaviano Dell'Acqua

Gender : Male

Vic Diaz

Character Name : Huan To

Original Name : Vic Diaz

Gender : Male

Mel Davidson

Character Name : Kramet

Original Name : Mel Davidson

Gender : Male

Massimo Vanni

Character Name : Kelly Sellers

Original Name : Massimo Vanni

Gender : Male






Sequel takes a more purposeful comedic tone and rip offs Raiders of the Lost Ark, Apocalypse Now and Romancing the Stone. The comedy score that oddly pops in and out was annoying and the action elements weren't quite as fun as the first, but appreciate some of the bad elements. Brent Huff takes over the lead role and seems to have less charisma than Reb Brown and seeing Richard Harris in this was amusing (not that he was beyond appearing in bad movies. **2.25/5**