
Chebi. Day Off


Gena and Cheburashka have a day off. But each of them wants to spend it in their own way: Gena dreams of relaxing with a newspaper and a cup of tea, and Cheburashka cannot sit still for a minute. Will the friends be able to find a solution and spend the day together?

Release Date : 2023-12-31

Language :Russian

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Yellow, Black & White

Production Country : Russia

Alternative Titles :


Sergey Garmash

Character Name :

Original Name : Сергей Гармаш

Gender : Male

Natalya Shchukina

Character Name :

Original Name : Наталья Щукина

Gender : Female

Zhannat Kerimbaev

Character Name :

Original Name : Жаннат Керимбаев

Gender : Male

Olga Kuzmina

Character Name :

Original Name : Ольга Кузьмина

Gender : Female


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