


Sofia break up with Nicola and goes away forever to the Fiji Islands with a 12-hour time zone from Italy. Since that day Nicola begins to have only nightmares. Nightmares that always start with the color blue.

Release Date : 2022-01-01

Language :Italian

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Fondazione Cineteca di BolognaEmilia-Romagna Film CommissionInternational Filmmaking AcademyIl Cinema Ritrovato

Production Country : Italy

Alternative Titles :


Iris Berthoud

Character Name : Sofia

Original Name : Iris Berthoud

Gender : Female

Giovanni Soave

Character Name : Nicola

Original Name : Giovanni Soave

Gender : Male

Luigi Delle Donne

Character Name : Luigi

Original Name : Luigi Delle Donne

Gender : Male

Lorenzo Bolognesi

Character Name : Diego

Original Name : Lorenzo Bolognesi

Gender : Male

Livia Indulgenza

Character Name : Ragazza che danza Hip Hop

Original Name : Livia Indulgenza

Gender : Male


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