TV MovieCrimeThriller

Astrid, Raphaëlle et Alexandra Ehle : Œil pour œil


In Paris, Astrid and Raphaëlle discover a human eye at the bottom of a jar of onions. At the same time, in Bordeaux, Alexandra Ehle investigates a corpse from which both eyes have been removed. When the judge decides to connect the two pieces of the puzzle, Astrid, Raphaëlle, and Alexandra realize they have to cooperate, for better or for worse. On the menu: family mystery and orphan disease, but also a little trip down memory lane, muscadet wine, a bike chase, and... an oyster mushroom.

Release Date : 2024-02-22

Language :French

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Carma FilmsJLA Productions

Production Country : France

Alternative Titles :


Julie Depardieu

Character Name : Alexandra Ehle

Original Name : Julie Depardieu

Gender : Female

Lola Dewaere

Character Name : Raphaëlle Coste

Original Name : Lola Dewaere

Gender : Female

Sara Mortensen

Character Name : Astrid Nielsen

Original Name : Sara Mortensen

Gender : Female

Bernard Yerlès

Character Name : Antoine Doisneau

Original Name : Bernard Yerlès

Gender : Male


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