
Stabat Mater


Clara has had a difficult relationship with motherhood since finding out she was pregnant with her daughter Amanda when she was 20, challenging the body she deems unfit for the role of mother by giving it without pleasure and working long hours in sordid night clubs. She decides to leave her daughter and partner but ten years later she is forced to take a newfound responsibility when Amanda falls ill.

Release Date : 2024-10-01

Language :Italian

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country :

Alternative Titles :


Emilia Scarpati Fanetti

Character Name :

Original Name : Emilia Scarpati Fanetti

Gender : Female

Sophia Guastaferro

Character Name :

Original Name : Sophia Guastaferro

Gender : Male

Raffaele Esposito

Character Name :

Original Name : Raffaele Esposito

Gender : Male

Cristina Donadio

Character Name :

Original Name : Cristina Donadio

Gender : Female

Emilio Fallarino

Character Name :

Original Name : Emilio Fallarino

Gender : Male


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