Maji! 3


After the Kikuchigumi smash-up, Shiragane Honki (Tamotsu Ishibashi), a member of the Nagisa clan's gold batch, is recognized for his manly spirit and joins the head family of the parent Kaze clan to serve as an apprentice. Maji, who receives the plighted love of the head of the Kaze (Tokuma Nishioka), is assigned to help collect debts under Akame, the number three of the 13 members of the Kaze's grass-roots batch. One day, Jiro, a thug in Akame's gang, absconds with the gang's money. Jiro's capture is entrusted to Maji?

Release Date : 1994-08-11

Language :

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country :

Alternative Titles :


Tamotsu Ishibashi

Character Name :

Original Name : 石橋保

Gender : Male

Yoko Kuga

Character Name :

Original Name : Yoko Kuga

Gender : Male

Tokuma Nishioka

Character Name :

Original Name : 西岡德馬

Gender : Male

Tatsuo Yamada

Character Name :

Original Name : 山田辰夫

Gender : Male

Kōji Shimizu

Character Name :

Original Name : 清水綋治

Gender : Male


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