In the Name of a Prank 3
Dimonstr saves Sasha Chyornyy and four runaway orphanage children from the police and bandits. Dimonstr is now just Dmitriy, the manager of a car dealership, his son Dima has grown up. Family life is not conducive to pranks, the Dimonstr remained in the fairy tales that the father tells his son at night. But the monastery is again restless. Four children from the orphanage end up there - two sisters and two brothers. Dasha, the eldest, is not the first time organizing a family's escape from an orphanage. And once again they are caught. But this time they went for robbery, and the police cannot leave this without punishment. Realizing that this will break the boys, the investigator, on his own responsibility, decides to send them to the monastery to Father Anatoliy for re-education. But the small, daring group will prove to be a much tougher nut to crack than Dimonstr and Sasha Chyornyy once were.
Release Date : 2024-06-06
Language :Russian
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : Глобал Фильм Дистрибьюшн
Production Country : Russia
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Дима
Original Name : Виктор Хориняк
Gender : Male
Character Name : Саша Чёрный
Original Name : Гоша Куценко
Gender : Male
Character Name : Анатолий
Original Name : Юрий Кузнецов
Gender : Male
Character Name : Петрович
Original Name : Сергей Селин
Gender : Male
Character Name : Даша
Original Name : Екатерина Новокрещенова
Gender : Female
Character Name : Вадик
Original Name : Никита Конкин
Gender : Male
Character Name : Ирочка
Original Name : Алиса Клагиш
Gender : Female
Character Name : Костик
Original Name : Фёдор Скальский
Gender : Male
Character Name : Иов
Original Name : Александр Комиссаров
Gender : Male
Character Name : Александр
Original Name : Антон Ескин
Gender : Male
Character Name : монах
Original Name : Николай Качура
Gender : Male
Character Name : Иеремия
Original Name : Олег Каменщиков
Gender : Male
Character Name : Касьян
Original Name : Александр Синюков
Gender : Male
Character Name : следователь
Original Name : Максим Важов
Gender : Male
Character Name : Дима
Original Name : Мирон Вальц
Gender : Male
Character Name :
Original Name : Борис Каморзин
Gender : Male
Character Name :
Original Name : Олег Васильков
Gender : Male
Character Name :
Original Name : Дмитрий Блохин
Gender : Male
Character Name : ученица иконописной школы
Original Name : Анастасия Власова
Gender : Female
Character Name : звукорежиссёр в ДК
Original Name : Андрей Спивак
Gender : Male
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