
31 Minutos: Tremendo Tulio Tour

- Everything has never been so much

The renowned enthusiastic journalist Tulio Triviño is depressed. So much success, fame and money are not enough to lift his spirits. He needs something that will revitalize his soul and restore his lost enthusiasm. His colleagues have the answer: a tribute. This is how a tribute show is organized in his honor. Everything seems to be going smoothly when a panic attack affects the television star and threatens the success of the show. How will the members of 31 Minutos solve such a distressing problem? Not even the scriptwriters know.

Release Date : 2019-06-30

Language :

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

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Alternative Titles :


Pedro Peirano

Character Name : Tulio Triviño (voice)

Original Name : Pedro Peirano

Gender : Male

Álvaro Díaz González

Character Name : Juan Carlos Bodoque (voice)

Original Name : Álvaro Díaz González

Gender : Male

Daniel Castro

Character Name : Bombi / Policarpo Avendaño (voice)

Original Name : Daniel Castro

Gender : Male

Patricio Díaz

Character Name : Guaripolo / Zapalón / Alcalde Puercoespín / Dragón Chino (voice)

Original Name : Patricio Díaz

Gender : Male

Jani Dueñas

Character Name : Patana Tufillo / Helga Szwazzsenberg / Cindy Miraflores (voice)

Original Name : Jani Dueñas

Gender : Female

Felipe Godoy

Character Name : Mario Hugo (voice)

Original Name : Felipe Godoy

Gender : Male

Guillermo Silva

Character Name : Juanín Juan Harry (voice)

Original Name : Guillermo Silva

Gender : Male

Francisco Schultz

Character Name : Dante Torobolino (voice)

Original Name : Francisco Schultz

Gender : Male

Pablo Ilabaca

Character Name : Freddy Turbina / Perro Duque / Singed Pepe Lota (voice)

Original Name : Pablo Ilabaca

Gender : Male

Camilo Salinas

Character Name : Talked Pepe Lota (voice)

Original Name : Camilo Salinas

Gender : Male


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