
Begone Dull Care


In this extraordinary short animation, Evelyn Lambart and Norman McLaren painted colours, shapes, and transformations directly onto their filmstrip. The result is a vivid interpretation, in fluid lines and colour, of jazz music played by the Oscar Peterson Trio.

Release Date : 1949-10-01

Language :No Language

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : ONF | NFB

Production Country : Canada

Alternative Titles : A Phantasy in Colors


No cast found






Backed by a lively score from the Oscar Peterson trio, Evelyn Lambert and Norman McLaren draw a series of random images directly on to the film. Some of these images look recognisable - I'm sure I saw a shovel, castle and an amoeba in there. Others appear more like your are unsuccessfully trying to tune in your television set. Whilst mostly haphazard sequence, there are some symmetries to be seen, too. The piece is split into three sections, each scored to a different tempo and illustrated accordingly at the same pace. There's less going on in the middle one, but the third is an inspired marriage of syncopation and artistry. Definitely one of their better offerings.