The Renovation
Tessa opens her luxurious clinic with a big party. She is smart, beautiful, savvy, and happily married with an intelligent adolescent son. But appearances are deceptive. In reality, her marriage is falling apart, her house renovation is a disaster and the finances of her clinic are a mess. Desperate, she accepts the helping hand of a friend from the past who has turned up suddenly, but in doing so, opens herself up to an ordeal of terror and blackmail.
Release Date : 2012-09-06
Language :Dutch
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company :
Production Country : Netherlands
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Tessa
Original Name : Tjitske Reidinga
Gender : Female
Character Name : Rogier
Original Name : Mark Rietman
Gender : Male
Character Name : Johan
Original Name : Peter Blok
Gender : Male
Character Name : Hylke
Original Name : Sieger Sloot
Gender : Male
Character Name : Kimmy
Original Name : Terence Schreurs
Gender : Female
Character Name : Tom
Original Name : Alex Hendrickx
Gender : Male
Character Name : Maugosha
Original Name : Nanette Drazic
Gender : Female
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