A Vintage Christmas
Tessa is a dedicated historian and preservationist in her hometown of Oak Creek, an old-fashioned and passionate protector of the nostalgic. Sparks fly when a business developer, Noah arrives in Oak Creek with plans to tear down an abandoned Post Office and replace it with a sleek, modern office complex. There are internal and external struggles among many in the community to arrive at a solution that serves the greater good for all concerned. As the clock ticks toward Christmas, the race to settle the dispute through concessions and compromise is on.
Release Date : 2024-10-19
Language :English
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : Jaggi EntertainmentGreat American MediaNicely EntertainmentScreen QueenslandAsia Pacific FilmsHead Gear Films
Production Country : Australia
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Tessa Findlay
Original Name : Merritt Patterson
Gender : Female
Character Name : Noah Harrington
Original Name : Christopher Russell
Gender : Male
Character Name : Greg Parson
Original Name : Joey Vieira
Gender : Male
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