

- La luz... esa luz que parpadea en todos sus espectros, esa luz que parece una chispa que se disipa en el oscuro camino.

In a monotonous and repetitive world, a young photographer feels trapped in the routine of his empty and purposeless days. His life lacks color and creativity, he has nothing to inspire him to continue creating, until one day, he encounters a mysterious shadow that alters his destiny. The protagonist begins an introspective journey towards reinventing himself and his world, discovering that life can be as vibrant as the colors that paint it.

Release Date :

Language :Spanish

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : ZEFYRaA-J Films Productions

Production Country :

Alternative Titles :


José Alejandro Acuña Perez

Character Name : He

Original Name : José Alejandro Acuña Perez

Gender : Male

José Alejandro Acuña Perez

Character Name : Stain

Original Name : José Alejandro Acuña Perez

Gender : Male

Adonys Quintero

Character Name : Voice

Original Name : Adonys Quintero

Gender : Male


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