
The Eye of the Hen


The Eye of the Hen is a story of violence and isolation without precedent in the Italian film industry. After twenty years as a filmmaker, with her best film released to critical acclaim and by some deemed a masterpiece that would cement her reputation with mainstream audiences as well, Antonietta De Lillo suffered an injustice that stopped her career in its tracks and relegated her to the backwaters of the industry, where she would be barred from making another feature film. Taking the form of a self-portrait, the film freely revisits the life and career of its subject, nearly forty years after her first film.

Release Date : 2024-09-01

Language :Italian

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

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Alternative Titles :


Antonietta De Lillo

Character Name : Herself

Original Name : Antonietta De Lillo

Gender : Female


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