
Eddie Izzard: Circle


Town Hall, New York City, 26 June 2000. An evening with Eddie Izzard in which she moves back and forth in time, with religion as the loose but constant theme.

Release Date : 2002-11-18

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country : United Kingdom

Alternative Titles : Eddie Izzard - Circle


Eddie Izzard

Character Name : Herself

Original Name : Eddie Izzard

Gender : Male






I'm not going to recommend that you watch this one. The video and the CD are two different beasts and the CD is far more hysterical. They did Eddie a disservice with this one. The video doesn't suck... but listen to the CD instead. Trust me, it's a lot funnier. And you can't compare it to Dressed to Kill, because that was a stand up that is just beyond anything you'll ever see... and the DVD is better than the CD with that one. But, that being said, it is still funnier than about 90% of the stand-up out there. It's still consistently funny from start to finish. It is still a must listen, you still have to experience it, and it's still proof that Eddie Izzard is in a class all to his own, there are few people on earth that are funnier than he is, and there are far fewer that are as consistently funny as he is. Just... listen to the CD instead.